Using GNUPlot to chart MySQL data
The following Korn shell function connects to a MySQL database and extracts specified data, which is then plotted as a function of time using GNUPlot. Using correct syntax is critical. Note the use of single- and double-quotes. In the example below, “using 2:4” mean that that the second column in your database table will be the X-axis values and the fourth column – the Y-axis value F(x). The graph below utilizes Bezier smoothing. This makes the chart look cleaner, but it may not be appropriate for your data.
GNUPlot_Update_Func() { #------ Client Disk Allocation and Utilization vs. Time ------ $MYSQL --column-names=0 -u$DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME << EOF | while read HOSTNAME SELECT DISTINCT host_name FROM sandisk_clients ORDER BY host_name; EOF do $MYSQL --column-names=0 -u$DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME < "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.dat" SELECT host_name, line_datetime, SUM(alloc_kb), SUM(used_kb) FROM sandisk_clients WHERE host_name LIKE '$HOSTNAME' GROUP BY YEAR(line_datetime), MONTH(line_datetime), DAYOFMONTH(line_datetime); EOF echo "set title '$HOSTNAME'" > "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set xdata time" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set key box" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set key bottom right" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set size 1.5,1.5" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set xlabel 'Date'" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set ylabel 'Size, Kb' font 'Arial,12'" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set autoscale" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo 'set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S"' >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set term png color" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "set output '${CHARDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_client_001.png'" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" echo "plot '${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.dat' using 2:4 title 'Allocated, Kb' smooth bezier with linespoints, '${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.dat' using 2:5 title 'Used, Kb' smooth bezier with linespoints" >> "${TMPDIR}/${HOSTNAME}_gnuplot_client.gnu" $GNUPLOT /dev/null 2>&1 done }
Here’s an example of the resulting image:
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Any help is appreciated thanx in advance.
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