Show NIC Bandwidth Utilization
Just a quick script that will measure bandwidth utilization in KB/s for all NICs on your server over the specified period of time. You can call the script with an optional time wait parameter in seconds.
Sample output:
root@ncc1701# /var/adm/bin/ 10s Waiting... bond0: 16099 KB/s eth0: 0 KB/s eth1: 0 KB/s eth2: 0 KB/s eth3: 0 KB/s eth4: 0 KB/s eth5: 16442 KB/s
And here’s the script (nic_traffic):
#!/bin/bash if [[ ! -z "" ]] && [[ "" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] then s="" else s=5 fi d="/sys/class/net" nics=`/sbin/ifconfig -a | egrep -o -e "[a-z][a-z]*[0-9]*[ ]*(Link|: .*<)" | \ sed -e 's/://g' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^lo$"` for i in nic rx1 tx1 rx2 tx3 do unset array_${i} done i=0 for nic in ${nics} do array_nic[$i]=${nic} array_rx1[$i]=$(cat ${d}/${nic}/statistics/rx_bytes) array_tx1[$i]=$(cat ${d}/${nic}/statistics/tx_bytes) (( i++ )) done echo "Waiting..." secs=${s} while [ ${secs} -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "${secs}3[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done i=0 for nic in ${nics} do array_rx2[$i]=$(cat ${d}/${nic}/statistics/rx_bytes) array_tx2[$i]=$(cat ${d}/${nic}/statistics/tx_bytes) (( i++ )) done i=0 for nic in `echo "${array_nic[@]}"` do echo -n "${nic}: " printf '%s\n' "scale=0;(`echo ${array_rx2[$i]}`-`echo ${array_rx1[$i]}`)/(${s}*1024)"|bc -l | tr '\n' ' ' echo "KB/s" (( i++ )) done | column -t