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Home » Featured, Filesystems

Searching Large Network-Mounted Filesystems

Submitted by on October 16, 2012 – 4:14 pm 6 Comments

Recently I ran into a small problem: I needed to find recently-modified files in a very large NFS filesystem. One of the high-level folders contained dozens of sub-folders with thousands of files in each. There is a significant performance penalty associated with placing such directory structures on network-mounted filesystems. Running the “find” command at the top of the filesystem would have taken over an hour and the problem here was not available bandwidth, but the time it takes for the “find” to request and receive attribute information for each folder and file.

The solution was to kick off multiple instances of “find” in parallel – one for each sub-folder. Each “find” thread would append its search results to the same text file, making it easy to monitor the progress. As you will see from the “top” output shown below, this approach puts the server under considerable load and should not be attempted on a production system.

Define to the top-level directory that contains multiple folders:

[root@server ~]# fs="/vol/big_nas_filesystem"

[root@server ~]# df -hP "${fs}"
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
vnx:"${fs}"/  7.5T  6.6T  919G  88% "${fs}"

[root@server]# ls "${fs}"
00  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  a0  b0  c0  d0  e0  f0
01  11  21  31  41  51  61  71  81  91  a1  b1  c1  d1  e1  f1
02  12  22  32  42  52  62  72  82  92  a2  b2  c2  d2  e2  f2
03  13  23  33  43  53  63  73  83  93  a3  b3  c3  d3  e3  f3
04  14  24  34  44  54  64  74  84  94  a4  b4  c4  d4  e4  f4
05  15  25  35  45  55  65  75  85  95  a5  b5  c5  d5  e5  f5
06  16  26  36  46  56  66  76  86  96  a6  b6  c6  d6  e6  f6
07  17  27  37  47  57  67  77  87  97  a7  b7  c7  d7  e7  f7
08  18  28  38  48  58  68  78  88  98  a8  b8  c8  d8  e8  f8
09  19  29  39  49  59  69  79  89  99  a9  b9  c9  d9  e9  f9
0a  1a  2a  3a  4a  5a  6a  7a  8a  9a  aa  ba  ca  da  ea  fa
0b  1b  2b  3b  4b  5b  6b  7b  8b  9b  ab  bb  cb  db  eb  fb
0c  1c  2c  3c  4c  5c  6c  7c  8c  9c  ac  bc  cc  dc  ec  fc
0d  1d  2d  3d  4d  5d  6d  7d  8d  9d  ad  bd  cd  dd  ed  fd
0e  1e  2e  3e  4e  5e  6e  7e  8e  9e  ae  be  ce  de  ee  fe
0f  1f  2f  3f  4f  5f  6f  7f  8f  9f  af  bf  cf  df  ef  ff

Run a bunch of “find” threads in background, all outputting results into the same file:
[root@server]# find "${fs}" -maxdepth 1 -type d -print | grep -v "`echo ${fs}$ | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`" | while read line
    nohup find "${line}" -mtime -1 -print | tee -a /tmp/find_results.txt &

Run “top” to see just how hosed your server is:
top - 14:52:18 up 10 days, 23:02,  2 users,  load average: 206.50, 81.36, 30.95
Tasks: 884 total,   1 running, 883 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.1%us,  0.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  12184028k total,  3987284k used,  8196744k free,    77076k buffers
Swap:  8388600k total,        0k used,  8388600k free,   151216k cached

 5350 root      20   0 13772 1800  876 R  1.0  0.0   0:00.24 top
 4838 root      20   0  109m 1080  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.08 find
 4848 root      20   0  109m 1072  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.06 find
 4860 root      20   0  109m 1084  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.07 find
 5078 root      20   0  109m 1088  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.07 find
 5099 root      20   0  109m 1100  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.08 find
 5107 root      20   0  109m 1088  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.05 find
 5127 root      20   0  109m 1092  812 D  0.3  0.0   0:00.07 find

And keep an eye on the output file:
[root@server]# tail -f /tmp/find_results.txt


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  • Thomas Lopez says:

    I know that we can enter cheat codes on the server but these cheatcodes will also work for all of the clients(players).Pls tell how can i get cheatcodes only working for me(as single client not for all players)for playing CounterStrike.

  • Bryan J says:

    i have linux installed on a pc and xp installed on another and i would like to make it that xp can get files off of the linux (ubuntu) box like you can xp to xp is it possible if so how do i do it????

  • balinderk2000 says:

    I have a UNIX directory mounted to a Windows view. Something has happened, and now I can’t delete a set of files through either UNIX or Windows.

    How do I correct this? I want to delete the files.

  • Larry R says:

    I mean What is this kind (Ganglia Monitoring) Daemon for?
    Sorry, I asked not very specifically before!

  • easton j says:

    commands such as “netboot=” or “root=” and a list of options of those where you put on APPEND.

    What I’m trying to do is, is netboot a Linux Mint 13 livecd. I got to the part where it boots the vmlinuz and init(this is all under drbl, clonezilla. DHCP being disabled). However, it gets stuck on the casper loop “can’t open /dev/sr0” error. So I’m guessing that it’s having trouble finding the filesystem. I can’t use DHCP, so netboot=nfs is out the window.

    So is there a way to let the pxe(drbl) boot the iso image in the nbi_img folder? or at least a command that can start the filesystem from an extracted iso image? Also, a complete list of commands of it. My google-fu skills failed me.

  • ericmreitz says:

    I’m on Ubuntu 6.10 and my swap space is 266mb, my ram is 512 mb and my total harddisk is 80 gb. This swap space is not enough right? I’m considering deleting one of my NTFS partitions and adding more swap. How can I do this the easiest way? What’s the best partition manager for this and is this process safe?

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