Removing Chef Server Installation
Just a quick note on how to completely remove (more or less) Chef server installation from a CentOS/RHEL box.
There are a bunch of bits and pieces all over the place and it took me a few minutes to figure this out, so here it is:
chef-server-ctl uninstall chef-manage-ctl cleanse opscode-reporting-ctl uninstall chef-server-ctl cleanse /bin/rm /etc/init/private-chef-runsvdir.conf kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep [o]pscode | awk '{print $2}') /bin/rm -r /opt/opscode cd /etc && tar cfz chef_$(date +'%F').tgz chef && /bin/rm -r chef cd /etc && tar cfz chef-server_$(date +'%F').tgz chef-server && /bin/rm -r chef-server
I guess I’m planning on doing this a lot…