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FTP script with nested function

Submitted by on November 20, 2005 – 2:14 am One Comment

An example of an FTP script with Korn shell.

For “$CONFTMP” input file of format: hostname username password

cat "$CONFTMP" | fgrep -v "#" | while read LINE
		FTPHOST=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $1}')
		FTPUSER=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}')
		FTPPASS=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $3}')

		FTPPUT() {
				echo "open $FTPHOST"
				echo "user $FTPUSER $FTPPASS"
				echo "lcd $LOCALDIR"
				echo "cd $REMOTEDIR"
				echo "put $FILENAME"
				echo "quit"
			} | ftp -nvi -T 3

		echo "Uploading to $FTPHOST"
		echo "--------------------------"
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One Comment »

  • thexbox360player says:

    I have a long script and I need to upload it online to make it a website. I have NO money, therefore need a FREE web hosting provider??? Could someone give me step by step guide on how to do this???
    Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!

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