Fast IP Range Scanner in Bash
Just a simple script to scan an IP range and do a reverse DNS lookup. This can be useful for building an inventory of systems on your LAN. Just make sure to give your network security a heads-up before you begin.
The syntax:
./ a1-a2.b1-b2.c1-c2.d1-d2
./ 192-192.168-168.1-254.1-254
This will scan – and attempt tp do a reverse DNS lookup. The output will be stored in /tmp/ipscan* in CSV format.
A couple of options to consider:
The script works by firing up a multitude of “ping” threads in the background. If you run too many of them, your system may crash. The max_threads value determines how many “pings” will be started, before the script checks on the number of active “ping” threads. I recommend keeping this value below 1000, but feel free to experiment.
Once the script hit the $max_threads limit, the “delay” variable determines how many second the script will wait before firing up the next batch of “pings”. I found two seconds to be a good setting for this.
I did not spend too much time on this script and I am sure you can optimize it further. If you do, perhaps you could share your version with the public.
The script:
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $1 ] then echo "Specify IP range. Example: ipscan 160-165.10-20.1-254.1-254" exit 1 else a1=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $1}' | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') a2=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $1}' | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') b1=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $2}' | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') b2=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $2}' | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') c1=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $3}' | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') c2=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $3}' | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') d1=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $4}' | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') d2=$(echo $1 | awk -F'.' '{print $4}' | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') range="${a1}-${a2}.${b1}-${b2}.${c1}-${c2}.${d1}-${d2}" fi configure() { max_threads=1000 delay=2 timestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') outdir="/tmp" outfile="${outdir}/ipscan_${range}_${timestamp}.csv" if [ -f "${outfile}" ] then /bin/rm -f "${outfile}" fi } ip_set() { ip_address="${a}.${b}.${c}.${d}" } ip_ping() { timeout ${delay} ping -q -c 1 -i 1 -W 1 -w 4 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? } dns_lookup() { ip_set if [ `ip_ping ${ip_address}` -eq 0 ] then host="" dig +short -x ${ip_address} | sed 's/.$//g' | while read host do if [ -z "${host}" ] then host="unknown" fi echo "${ip_address},${host}" done fi } ip_scan() { i=1 for a in `seq $a1 $a2` do for b in `seq $b1 $b2` do for c in `seq $c1 $c2` do for d in `seq $d1 $d2` do echo "Checking ${a}.${b}.${c}.${d}" dns_lookup >> "${outfile}" & disown (( i = i + 1 )) if [ $i -gt ${max_threads} ] then i=1 while [ `ps -ef | grep -c [p]ing` -gt ${max_threads} ] do echo "Sleeping ${delay}" sleep ${delay} done fi done done done done } # RUNTIME configure ip_scan
To clarify this a little bit better:
If I have two IP addresses, is there some standard rule or algorithm I can use to determine whether these two IP addresses are relatively close geographically. If so, how precise is this?
What is an email reverse lookup and what is it used for?
Does it strictly provide who owns that email address. Surely privacy isnt invaded.
What is work of boath?
Ok, I’ve had an email server up for about a year, and occasionally we have emails we send detected as spam. I did have the reverse dns pointer records setup from our ISP, but I am questioning if I am using the correct settings. I am suspicious that these servers which are flagging our email as spam could possibly be set to perform reverse dns lookups, and seeing that the domain tied to our IP doesn’t match.
We have a domain, lets just call it
We have a static public IP address, and behind that address are several servers to handle our website, VPN, email, etc…
The A record for that domain points to our public IP address.
We have to MX records, the lowest number (highest priority) points to a hosted email filtering service which does offisite filtering and then delivers to our mail server. the 2nd MX record points to
There is also an A record for which points to our public IP address.
the email addresses are in the format
I have the reverse DNS pointer setup to point to
Should this have been setup to point to instead?
We are not open relay.
That was one of the first things I did when I setup exchange.