CUPS Printing to a File
Using CUPS to print to a file instead of an actual printer is a great idea for troubleshooting and archiving purposes. This saves trees but, most importantly, saves you the walk to the printer. So, how does one go about setting this up? I am assuming you already have working CUPS server all setup and properly tested. Here’s what you need to do:
Shutdown cupsd via /etc/init.d on Linux and older Solaris versions or via “svcadm disable” on Solaris 10+. Add the following new printer to /etc/cups/printers.conf as the very first printer, before any other <printer></printer> entry.
<Printer fileprint> Info FilePrinter DeviceURI State Idle Accepting Yes Jobsheets none none QuotaPeriod 0 PageLimit 0 KLimit 0 </printer>
Create a directory that will store your printouts:
mkdir /var/cups_printouts ; chmod 777 /var/cups_printouts
Create this script: /usr/lib/cups/backend/ with the following content:
#!/bin/bash cat $6 > /var/cups_printouts_`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%M%H%S'`.print
Make sure the script is executable by non-privileged users:
chmod 777 /usr/lib/cups/backend/
In case you’re wondering what “$6” is, here’s a list of CUPS command-line arguments:
# $0 - name of the script # $1 - job number # $2 - user # $3 - filename # $4 - number of copies # $5 - ? # $6 - spooler file name
Start cupd and try printing something:
lp -d fileprint /etc/hosts
Check in /var/cups_printouts and, if everything went as expected, you should have a *.print file waiting for you there. Hopefully, this makes your life slightly easier.