Contacting the sysadmin from command line
If you are a sysadmin, communicating with your users is an important aspect of your job. Phone, e-mail, SMS, and various service request systems are commonly used by most businesses. The problem with all these tools is that they require time and a certain degree of effort.
It is definitely important for a sysadmin to separate himself from the users with some bureaucracy: otherwise no work is going to be done, with all time being spent on the phone or reading e-mails. However, in any environment there is a particular class of users – application focals, network admins, database administrators – who can help the sysadmin to detect and troubleshoot a problem early before is becomes a major outage.
The following Korn shell script allows select users to contact you simply by typing your name and a brief message at the command line of a Unix server or workstation. This script has been written for Solaris but it can be easily modified for any other Unix operating environment.
#!/bin/ksh # 2006-09-28 # TEXT=$(echo $*) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS #--------------------------------------------------------------- log() { LOG="$HOME/igor.log" TMP="/tmp/igor_log.tmp" LINELIM=1000 ; LINEBUF=50 ; (( LINEMAX = LINELIM + LINEBUF )) if [ ! -r "$LOG" ] then touch "$LOG" fi if [ -f "$LOG" ] && [ `wc -l "$LOG" | awk '{print $1}'` -gt $LINEMAX ] then cat "$LOG" | tail -$LINELIM > "$TMP" mv "$TMP" "$LOG" fi chmod 777 "$LOG" } #--------------------------------------------------------------- message() { if [ ! $TAIL ] then TAIL=1 else (( TAIL = TAIL + 1 )) fi echo "`hostname` `date +'%Y-%m-%d %T'` $MSG" >> "$LOG" tail -1 "$LOG" } #--------------------------------------------------------------- configure() { USER=$(id | awk -F'(' '{print $2}' | awk -F')' '{print $1}') HOST=$(hostname) FROM="${USER}@${HOST}" DEST="your_email@host.domain your_pager@host.domain" SUBJ="Message from $USER on $HOST" MAIL="/bin/mailx" USERS="root oracle user1 user2 user3" if [ ! -x $MAIL ] then MSG=$(echo "Error: $MAIL executable not found!") ; message exit 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------- send() { if [ `echo $USERS | grep -c $USER` -gt 0 ] then echo "$TEXT" | $MAIL -r "$FROM" -s "$SUBJ" "$DEST" else MSG=$(echo "Error: User $USER is not allowed to run this script!") ; message exit 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------- confirm() { MSG=$(echo "Your message saying - $TEXT - has been sent.") ; message } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # RUNTIME #--------------------------------------------------------------- case `uname -s -r` in # --- SunOS -------------------------------- "SunOS 5.6") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- "SunOS 5.7") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- "SunOS 5.8") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- "SunOS 5.9") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- "SunOS 5.10") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- "SunOS 5.11") log configure send confirm ;; # ---------------------------------- *) echo "`uname -s -r` is not supported by this script. Exiting..." exit 1 ;; esac
Save this script as your name in a common executable directory like /usr/sbin. For example: /usr/sbin/Mike. Set file ownership to allow users to execute the file. You can use additional group ownership settings to further restrict access.
All a user would need to do to get your attention is to type something like:
> Mike please run the script so I can complete Oracle installation